Saturday, January 14, 2012

Here is something I must share with you. It is a company (California based - i think) who have written API software to produced nearly unlimited per-pixel detail in a real time 3D Rendering engine. I cannot wait for video games to incorporate this technology.... Just think - seeming endless maps, true to life environmental detail, realistic rocks, gravel, liquid, surface maps, 'non-polygonized' humanoid actors, and whatever else you could possibly think of. Also the kicker is that most of the processing is done by the software, leaving your hardware for the bulk of the eye candy and post processing. Check it out.


  1. I'll just stick with Minecraft, thanks anyway though.

  2. That's very cool, they showed the dirt a lot which was one of the best things about it, now I want to make a game using that technology where you dig like hell through a massive amount of dirt and rocks

  3. That's insane. I didn't think I'd ever say that I was impressed with the graphical textures on the grass and on a rock in a video game.
